Aramatai Gardens and POP

Aramatai Gardens and  POP

This extensive, award winning 2.2 hectare woodland garden was formally owned by Stu and Trisha Donaldson who began creating it in 1992. It is now owned by Jill Mouat who has reopened it for the public to enjoy the huge variety of trees, native and exotic.

The colours are stunning in spring and autumn. There are natural rock formations, extensive lawns and walkways and large ponds with water lilies.

Portable Document Format (PDF)Hiking-and-walking (4.68mb)

Photo Gallery

Aramatai Gardens and  POP

Charge: $5.00 for garden visit.
Morning, afternoon teas and lunches by arrangement.

For those wishing to take a walk there is a magnificent private hidden waterfall – approx 30 minute walk.

Telephone: +6478788683
Email: [email protected]

