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Welcome to Piopio, A Thriving Village Nestled Between The
World Famous Waitomo Caves and The Rugged Taranaki Coast


Piopio Fruit & Vege Stand

Birdtalk Magazine June & July 2024
WE’RE HEADING into that time of the year when the autumn fruit has done its dash and the winter citrus hasn’t kicked in just yet. If you have any surplus pumpkin, kumara, potatoes, silverbeet or winter veggies, feel free to drop them off to the Community Stand. They will be much appreciated.

I am heading off to California to see friends for a wee break in June, back Matariki weekend. Karen J. will be looking after the stand in my absence, please do what you can to support her with contributions. I’ve asked my assistant to remember to drop off silverbeet, spinach and surplus eggs while I’m away. If he forgets please don’t hesitate to remind him!

I will plant our garlic, shallot and Pukekohe Long-Keeper onion crops before departing. I’m netting them this year to deter the pheasants. Hadn’t expected pheasants to be pests but it seems they are. Some people have problems with pukekos and do the same. The white butterflies have disappeared with our early frosts so the netting will be removed from the broccoli, hooray. We’re always needing clean ice cream containers and containers returned to the stand. And with winter comes jam making and the need for small, clean jars. With thanks.

Upon my return the Facebook posts will ramp back up with what’s on offer daily. Trust you will all hold down the fort!
Karen Barrett
[email protected]
0275 727 407
